Had a wonderful weekend with some great riding in some of PA's best places with some great people. A long ride taking on the Gaps in central PA the day after Turkey Day with one of my tri guys - Derek O - launched a little 3 day block of great riding that worked out being a pretty sweet mini-camp for coach.
Derek is working his way through Naval EOD school and we've had to really manage his training around an absolutely crazy and very physically demanding schedule. It has been a difficult year in that the opportunities to compete have been few and far between and that is not much fun for a guy on the 2016 development list. 2011 is looking a little better for getting back to the races and we're kicking off Derek's plan with some solid base work as the schedule is finally allowing for some volume. I can't wait and am psyched we're going to be able to take the reins off and get back to bizness next year.

Saturday brought on a friggin' cold ride in Michaux State Forest where one of my newest athletes joined me to check out some course options for the Short Version of America's Longest Cyclocross Race, Iron Cross 0.5, 2011. Joe Castle is coming on board through a new effort I'm launching - small block training plans in increments of 12-28 weeks that include an initial consult and result in a fully custom plan, but one that is "on your own" once delivered. These allow me to develop fully custom personalized plans built around life and event demands for each individual. They are perfect for athletes who don't feel they need access to the coach, but want something that is specific to their situation. I personally prefer much greater contact with my athletes, but I realize that not everyone feels they need a high level of access - this delivers a fully custom built plan to that sort of athlete. Joe and I spent a few hours talking about what he wants out of his training, which camps he'll be attending this coming spring - he's hoping to hit all three! - and a few other things as I contemplated what sort of sweet suffering I can put riders through in a single 50K lap next October 9. I got some good ideas and we got in a nice 3.5 hours of wonderful Michaux riding.
Sunday was Trans-Sylvania Epic course recon with a ride on trails in consideration for the Queen Stage. Looks like we have it locked down as Ray, Frank and I spent about 6 hours. 40 miles and 6000 vertical feet sorting it out. We decided to get rid of some of that vert, but keep all the delicious singletrack. One thing Frank and I have been talking about is getting Team IMBA involved in TSE this coming year and I'm hopeful to have some news on that front soon. Team IMBA offers up some cool benefits to its members and if we can work it out TSE, TSE and associates camps, and TSE training plans may be some of those benefits.
Braden saving some for later |
I hope your weekend was just as spectacular!