Great Video from Swim Smooth
I think Paul Newsome from Swim Smooth gets a lot right when he talks about swimming. Why? 1.) He starts out with the open ended question of "What is an efficient freestyle stroke?" which gets us thinking about what an efficient freestyle stroke could be rather than what it is. 2.) He acknowledges that the "ideal" way of swimming works for some, but not everyone. 3.) He shows us that not all elite swimmers (Olympic swimmers and world class triathletes) swim in the same way 4.) He asks us to consider our RELATIONSHIP with the water rather than focusing on how we can achieve perfect form. 5.) He makes the assumption that our bodies are all different and constantly changing and, therefore, getting faster is an ever evolving process rather than achieving an idealized (objectified and commercialized) product. Needless to say, "What is An Efficient Freestyle Stroke?" part 1 and part 2 are worth watching.
Check them out:
Part 1
Part 2