Open water swimming
can be daunting! As many of you know, open water swimming is different than
pool swimming. Unlike the pool with its calm, clear water and its black line on the bottom which helps guide swimmers to
the other end, open water tends to be turbulent, murky, and rarely has a cable
to direct swimmers through the course. These less than perfect, open water
conditions are uncomfortable and lead even the best swimmers to panic. This is
why the Connecticut Cycle Center, The World’s Famous Zane’s Cycles, and USAT
certified, Power On triathlon coach Jon Fecik are teaming up at Lake Q on May
20th to help you feel more relaxed in open water.
Who will lead the Session? While USAT coach Ed Vescovi will be close at hand to add his expert perspective on open water swimming, Power On Coach and Elite triathlete Jon Fecik will lead the session. Jon has been a triathlete since 2006 and is working towards his pro card this season. The highlights of his career have been competing at the Ironman World, 70.3, and USAT national championships and completing his Olympic triathlon PR of 1:53 at the Giant Eagle Triathlon. He began coaching in 2008 and has the privilege of coaching a vast spectrum of triathletes, from beginners with no swimming experience to elite athletes qualifying for the world championship. Jon has been swimming since as long as he has been doing triathlons and is always open to new ideas about moving through the water. He enjoys watching the athletes he works with become faster, more efficient swimmers.
How it will work?
We will meet at Lake Q at 6pm and listen to a 10-15 minute talk about open
water swimming from Jon. He will review of some basic techniques such as
drafting and sighting. There will be a brief Q&A session before we jump in
the water and practice these techniques for 30-40 minutes. Following the swim,
Zane’s will provide a small snack.
Who should come? The session is for anyone interested in doing or anyone who does open water swimming.
During the technique session, we will break into groups based on ability level.
The purpose of this session is not to complete a high intensity workout.
Rather, it is to hone our open water skills—sighting, drafting, and buoy
turns—so that we feel more comfortable in race situations. Kids are welcome as
long as they are accompanied by a parent.
What if it rains?
We will still hold the talk and Q&A session at the CT Cycle Center.