What a weekend. Derek took a hell of a swing at Tri Nationals, Hebe swam and biked a long long way, Ruth and Rach climbed and climbed and climbed and Eric, Ken and Ed got dirty at Whirlybird.
Lots and lots of action this past weekend for my peeps. Mike Hebe is well on track to his IM with a strong second place at last weekend's swim-bike IM distance and a stellar bike split. We have a handful of weeks left until Mike heads south for Cozumel and meshes some sun and sand with a bunch of swimming, riding and running. He is on track for a great performance and we'll be using these last weeks to hone that form.
Derek took 3rd U23 at Tri Nats and did so with far less than ideal preparation with an injury just two weeks, but more importantly on the back of as demanding a military training school as exists anywhere at EOD school in FL. Derek has basically put his training on hold as he finishes that training - which is not just time consuming but physically exhausting - and went as hard as he could at Nats. He did great. It is really frustrating for an athlete to be in a situation where training conditions are far less than ideal and to come out of that situation with a podium finish at Nats. Nice work D.
'Cross racing is in full swing and more of the boys are jumping in, but learning some lessons about equipment prep. Ed and Ken got roughed up by the bikes with both succumbing to wheel/tire issues while Eric battled it out with an eye on using the race as a hard training ride for Iron Cross coming up on 10/10/10. IC prep will be the focus of one of the updates this week.
Ruthie and Rach climbed those 30,000 feet over two days out in CA. More on that later as they are both still out in CA just kicking back and enjoying some well earned time off the bike.
This weekend yours truly is leading a little MTB clinic at the nearby Jordan Park for a few riders pretty new to mountain biking. We'll be working on the basics like steep climbs, descents, turning, riding small obstacles, etc. with the goal of making everyone more confident and faster by the end of the day.