Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend Update

Big props to the boys at Charm City last weekend who both raced very well and are setting themselves up for great seasons.  I get to ride with one of them tomorrow, Ken D, on a little personal ride here in the Valley where we'll be putting the hurt on each other to keep his preparation building to the end of the season and can't wait to catch up more on the weekend's rassin'.  Mike F. left Baltimore with a 2nd and 7th in hand from the B Men's races over the weekend and should be sitting high in the early rankings for the MAC.  Neither of these seemingly brought me a custom made cake from Duff, but perhaps they're still filming that episode...

Yours truly got to spend Saturday getting beat up by Ruth D. and my new friend who I should have gotten to know more a long time ago Maria C. who made the trip up from Philly for Kuhndog's Wild Ride #1 and final prep before Ruth takes on the Everest Challenge out in CA this coming weekend.  Ruth is ready - she certainly looked it as she slapped me around all day on the 7000 feet of climbing we did north Bethlehem and luckily had Maria along for company as she topped out those climbs.  I couldn't let those two have all the fun though and found us some great dirt roads where I could let it rip a little...unless they went uphill.

Ruth's event this weekend is a two-day affair with 30,000 feet of elevation gain and climbs that last up to 22 miles!  I can't say I'd be too excited about all that climbing, but descending 30,000 feet or so sounds like an awesome time!  Ruth is one of several athletes in for some big riding and racing this weekend and those guys will be getting a shout out later this week!

The Kuhndog rides are lighting a fire under my butt to get back out and ride - and a few other people's butts, I'm happy to report, because that's the whole idea.  There's nothing like some incredible riding in beautiful places to make you want to ride more and more and more.  And do some skate skiing, but more on my other endurance sport love some other time!