Have you seen this yet? If not you should. These things are fun. These things are good. CadenceTV is something we started cooking up a few years back when I was hanging out in Philly with the crew. Of course, I'm not there any more, but luckily Brady is and Brady knows some stuff. See, Brady went to school for doing fancy things with video cameras and audio equipment and such. He took the good idea of CadenceTV and has continually tweaked it to make it something most anyone who spends any time indoors on a trainer in the winter can appreciate and enjoy (I suppose this is a loose interpretation of the word "enjoy" but you know what I'm saying).
CadenceTV takes the idea of the indoor trainer DVD and expands it into a web based version that offers dozens of workouts with more coming every week that offers variety in a ready-made 1 hr dose. All you need to do is log in, jump on, and go. The online interface provides all the instruction you need for the workout with pop-up notifications of changes in intensity and technique throughout. You can even customize the experience further by inputting your own personal heart rate and power data which will then be reflected during the workout on the screen.
The interface keeps improving too with more of the workouts being shown with video of group rides or races which helps engage the psychological components of training. This can be further customized by booting up your own vids and showing them over top the Cadence video feed or even bringing up something like Hulu or internet TV and putting those in the place of the video stream - you can still see the workout so the training is uninterrupted.
Why would I talk about this here when I'm not with Cadence anymore? Well the guys are a good crew and do a great job and this is something that can benefit anyone - and I do mean anyone, even those of us lucky enough not to be stuck in a winter climate. CadenceTV is great for people who are just time constrained and need a quick workout any time of the year. Plus it is $100 for the entire year - so you could maybe get 5-6 DVDs for that amount of cash and here you get access to an ever expanding library of workouts - potentially hundreds before long. For $100 it is a great tool and a worthwhile investment for most any athlete.
And that's the kicker. I'm here to make my athletes faster, stronger, better and smarter. I am constantly looking for tools and educating myself so that I am able to deliver this to my athletes. CadenceTV is something I suggest adding to the arsenal of training tools for my peeps for the simple reason that it can help get them to their goals. Like I said, doing that for my athletes is my #1 goal. Give me a call and we'll get you to yours - or get you to exceed them even.