Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Get Your Fix

These guys kick ass.  I love this site.  It is chock full of great info about a bunch of different sports and is presented in a manner that is relatively free of corporate influence. The two scientists behind this site cover whatever is the major world wide sporting event happening at any particular point in the year (they don't count Bowl games as world wide though, sorry).  You'll see coverage on all sorts of things and some pretty in-depth analysis that, if you happen to enjoy reading about the science behind sport performance, you'll love.   Best part though is that even when they get technical they go back and make it simple to understand too. They also run feature series on topics like hydration and running form that are well worth the read if only to have someone playing devil's advocate on the latest trends or on science backed by corporations (read the hydration series for more on that little ditty).  

This is great place to learn more about sport in general.  If your interests only lie with cycling then at least put these guys down for some visiting hours during summer stage races where they break down performances like few others can or do.  Plus with these guys being from South Africa you'll find a little different approach perhaps than what the US prognosticators offer up.  That's nice too.  Bring a sipping beverage and stay awhile -

Right now they're running their take on the "Best of 2010" and have given "Drug of the Year" spoilers here though.