Monday, October 25, 2010

South Carolina Training Camp

Here is the first glimpse of the 2011 South Carolina training camp I'll be hosting in Traveler's Rest, SC in late Feb to March 1 next year.  Two years ago I made my way to Traveler's Rest with one of my athletes for my first camp in the area.  I found awesome roads and terrific weather that make the short drive south well worth the trip for those of us stuck here in the mid-Atlantic through the winter months!  Join me for anywhere from 3-6 days of sweet sweet riding around Greenville, SC.  We'll even be taking our own run at the 2009/2010 US Pro National Championship course on Paris Mountain during camp!  Here are the deets!

South Carolina Training Camp
Come join your fellow athletes and yours truly for a great training trip to the welcoming roads of South Carolina where late February will provide us great riding conditions and a superb early season training block.  Available to cyclists and multisport athletes for 3-6 days, the camp will give you a jump on early season competition, help set the stage for a fantastic 2011 campaign and offer up a needed and well earned break from the mid-Atlantic winter!  Great riding at a fantastic price for a week of training camp!

Dates Feb 24-March 1 (6 days, 5 nights) - Arrive Feb 23/24, Depart for home Mar 1

Lodging: Hampton Inn in Travelers Rest.  Rooms @ $80/night single, $40/night double

Dates Feb 24-March 1 (6 days, 5 nights) - Arrive Feb 23/24, Depart for home Mar 1
Lodging: Hampton Inn in Travelers Rest.  Rooms @ $80/night single, $40/night double
Camp fee:  Camp is available at the following rates for varied amounts of time.  My aim is to make the camp flexible in order to meet your time considerations and constraints.  This is a fantastic way to kick off the season whether you can attend just a few days or the whole camp!

Advance Rates:
3 days for $324 ($304 for coached athletes) - any three days
4 days for $394 ($364 for coached athletes) - any four days
5 days for $454 ($414 for coached athletes) - any five days
6 days for $494 ($454 for coached athletes) - the whole darn camp
Regular pricing will go into effect Jan 1; varies depending on camp duration

Late fees will go into effect Feb 15.

Day 1 - (Thu, Feb. 24) Travel to Travelers Rest* - Ride at 3:00 PM in Travelers Rest, basically until dark (bring blinking front and rear lights at minimum for the week).  We will traverse Paris Mountain, site of US Pro Championships in 2009 and 2010 at least twice today and maybe more.  It will be a great way to shake out the legs from the trip!

Day 2 - (Fri, Feb 25) Long ride to mountains; includes climbs to Ceasars Head State Park.  The Greenville area climb.  Great going up with sweet switchbacks and an awesome view at the top.   And of course those switchbacks make it lots of fun coming down!

Day 3 - (Sat. Feb 26)  Long ride north of town into some cool real estate along a lake or two with winding roads and good but not super long climbing.  It will be a beautiful day on wonderful roads and a little break from the vertical challenges the rest of the week!

Day 4 - (Sun, Feb 27) Long ride (are you catching on to the theme?) with awesome dirt road section north of Travelers Rest; ride includes descent of Ceasar’s Head.  This is my favorite Traveler’s Rest ride I’ve found so far.  It is beautiful and the climb was not so bad you were dying but you got in some good vert!  Plus it is includes some good road bike dirt.  Sounds perfect, no?

Day 5 - (Mon, Feb 28) Today after breakfast we’ll hop in the cars and drive toward the Blue Ridge Parkway.  We’ll spend the day climbing up to; riding along and descending back down from one of the most beautiful roads in America.  Plan to be away from the hotel for basically the entire day as we will likely return after dark.  Bring extra clothes and gear!

Day 6 - (Tue, Mar 1) Last day of camp.  Please plan departures for later in the day if you can as we will hit up a short ride early and take on Paris Mountain one last time before you all jet off for parts unknown ready to kick some serious butt in 2011!

During the week we’ll be sure to make a few trips to Greenville to sample some local flavor and relax in the excellent downtown.  Traveler’s Rest also offers several places to eat and a few convenient shops within a short drive/walk/ride. 

Throughout the week we'll have time to talk about cycling and multisports' multi-faceted challenges; from tactics to training to nutrition, mental prep and technologies like heart rate, power and gps, and more - we will chat about what you want to discuss!

*Travel Notes (for those in the mid-Atlantic)
Drive time from Allentown/Philly - 11 hours
Flight time as little as 2 hours (currently running approx $450 without shipping bike)
I will be driving down prior to camp and can take at least six bikes with me.  Round trip from my house in Bethlehem for the bikes is $50.  First come first served.
Distance from GSI airport to hotel is 20 miles
Travel from airport is not included.  If arrival and departures for athletes staying for the entire can be coordinated in such a way as to make pick up and drop off for a group feasible then we may be able to accommodate airport transportation.  For athletes choosing less than the full stay other travel arrangements to and from the airport will be needed.

Questions about camp or other coaching?  
Don’t hesitate to get in touch!