Monday, June 30, 2014

Power On Coaching athletes are on fire this year! First and foremost, Bill Palermo and Ted Breault have both qualified for world Championships. Palermo had two strong half finishes this year and is racing in the half iron world championships in Mont Tremblant. Ted Breault also had some killer finishes, qualifying for both 70.3 worlds and, as of yesterday's performance at IM CDA, he will be racing at the Kona Ironman World Championships!

Other notable accomplishments: Jake Stevens, who had a PR in his last half at Rev 3 and has had some unbelievable PR's in his 5k's; Andrew Brooks, who completed his first half at Rev 3; Chris Nichols, who had a successful half and is really improving on his run; Ned Nichols, with his second half at Syracuse 70.3; Leslie Neff, who took 3rd place in her Age Group at the very competitive Philly Olympic Tri; Lucy Stevens, with 2 strong runs at her duathlon; Tom Jordan, who had strong showings at Gretna and Escape from the Cape; Angie Dye, who has had numerous run PR's and strong triathlon finishes, and Nara Callanan who finished her first sprint race in the beginning of June. 

Cheers to these accomplishments! I'm glad to be a part of your success!